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Articles of Association

Saab Aktiebolag

§ 1
The name of the Company is SAAB AKTIEBOLAG. The Company is public (publ).

§ 2
The object of the Company's business is, directly or indirectly, 开发, 代为, sell and maintain products to the aviation, engineering and electronic industries, and to provide technical services and consultancy in the electronics, telecommunications and computer fields. Operations are directed primarily at defence materiel. The company shall also own and manage real estate and chattels, buy and sell rights, and engage in financing activities as well as any other business compatible therewith.

§ 3
The registered office of the Company shall be located in Linköping, Sweden.

§ 4
份额 capital shall comprise no less than seven hundred and fifty million (750,000,000) Swedish kronor and no more than three billion (3,000,000,000) Swedish kronor.

§ 5

§ 6
份额s shall be issuable in two series, designated Series A and Series B. 任何一个系列的股份均可按相当于全部股本的数量发行.

When voting at a shareholders' meeting, 一股A系列股票赋予股东十票表决权,一股B系列股票赋予股东一票表决权. In all other respects, the shares of Series A and Series B are equal to each other.

股东有权要求将其持有的A系列股票转换为B系列股票. 此项申请应以书面形式提交公司董事会, 说明所有者希望转换多少股份,并提供董事会可能要求的所有及任何其他信息和文件. 公司董事会有义务在收到申请后一个月内将该申请报告备案. Conversion shall take effect when registration has been completed.

§ 7
如果公司决定通过现金发行或抵销发行A系列和B系列新股, A系列和B系列股票的持有人享有优先认购同一系列新股的权利(优先认购权),优先认购权与该股东已持有的股份数量成比例。. 未按优先购买权取得的股份,向全体股东认购(附属优先购买权). 根据附属优先认购权,发行的股份不足认购的, 股份应当按照认股人已持有的股数在认股人之间分配, to the extent this cannot be done, through the drawing of lots.

如果公司决定通过现金发行或发行a系列或B系列的抵销股票发行, 但不是两者都有, all shareholders, regardless of whether their shares are of Series A or Series B, 按其已持有的股份比例优先认购新股.

If the Company resolves to issue, through a cash issue or an issue by set-off, warrants or convertible promissory notes, the shareholders shall, 分别, 对认股权证享有优先认购权,就好像该认股权证涉及可根据认股权证认购的股份一样, 以及优先认购可转换本票的权利,就好像该发行涉及可转换本票可交换的股份一样.


If the share capital is increased through a bonus issue, 每个系列的新股应按已存在的同一系列的股数比例发行. In this connection, 先前持有某系列股份的股东有权获得该系列的新股份. 这将不限制通过发行奖金发行新系列股票的可能性, following requisite amendments to the Articles of Association.

§ 8
此外,根据法律规定,会员可由股东大会以外的机构任命, 公司董事会应由至少六(6)名至多十二(12)名正式成员和至多四(4)名此类成员的代表组成.

§ 9
应任命一名或两名审计员(有或没有副审计员)审查公司的年度报告和帐目, 以及由董事会和董事总经理管理公司事务. verkställande direktör). Either one or two registered accounting firms may be appointed as auditor. 审计员的任命应持续到第一次年度股东大会结束为止, 第二个, third or fourth financial year after the election of the Auditor.

§ 10
The Company's accounting year shall be the calendar year.

§ 11

§ 12
召开股东大会的通知应在“Post- och Inrikes Tidningar”和公司网站上公布. 已发出的通知应在“Dagens Nyheter”和“Svenska Dagbladet”上公布。.

希望出席股东大会的股东应不迟于召开会议通知规定的日期通知公司, stating the number of assistants. This day may not be a Sunday, a public holiday, 一个星期六, Midsummer's Eve, Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve, and may not fall earlier than the fifth weekday before the meeting.

§ 13
At the Annual General Meeting, the following items shall appear on the agenda:

  1. Election of Chairman for the meeting
  2. Approval of the voting list
  3. Approval of the agenda
  4. Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes of the meeting
  5. Motion as to whether the meeting was duly convened
  6. Presentation of the Annual Report and 审计人员' Report, and of the Consolidated Annual Report and Consolidated 审计人员' Report
  7. Resolutionsa. 批准损益表和资产负债表以及合并损益表和合并资产负债表. on allocations in respect of profit or loss according to the approved Balance Sheet.c. 解除董事会和董事总经理管理公司事务的责任
  8. Stipulation of the number of regular and deputy Board Members and, where applicable, Auditor and deputy Auditor, to be appointed by the Annual General Meeting
  9. Stipulation of the Directors' and 审计人员' fees
  10. Election of regular Board Members and deputy Board Members
  11. Where applicable, election of 审计人员 and Deputy 审计人员
  12. Any other business which, in accordance with the Companies' Act or the Company's Articles of Association, requires consideration by the Annual General Meeting

§ 14

§ 15
董事会可以决定非公司股东的人有权, on the conditions stipulated by the Board, to attend or in any other manner follow the discussions at a General Meeting.

The Board of Directors may collect powers of attorney as set out in Chapter 7, 第四节, 第二个 paragraph, of the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551).

董事会可在股东大会召开前决定,股东应按照第七章的规定,在股东大会召开前通过邮寄方式行使其投票权, 第四节a of the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551).


Related information

Articles of Association adopted at the Annual General Meeting 11 April 2024